Blu-Willys - Grove City, Ohio - Already forced to shut-down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Bryan and Sarah Smink received a call around 4:00 in the morning on April 9, 2020, that their dream had been devastated by a fire.
Blu-Willy's was the realization of a dream for both Bryan and Sarah. "It started as my husband's — he's always wanted to have a restaurant," said Sarah. "He went to culinary school. Had this dream before we even got together."
Years in the making, the restaurant opened last September. They named it for loved ones they'd lost. "Blu is our dog, and then Willy was after his dad who passed of cancer. We opened on his birthday, which was September 21."
Please join us weekly as we take you through the rebuilding process for Blu-Willy's and help this amazing couple rebuild their dreams.
Watch the Phase 1 Video Coverage
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